
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

archive 2011: Programm / Program

Programm / Program

NU Performance
IV Festival, 7.-10. November
Sokos Hotel Viru, Tallinn



koos Peeter Änilase ja Põlva Linna Puhkpilliorkestriga (EST), festivali kunstnikud ja külalised
with Peeter Änilane and the Põlva Brass Band (EST), the festival artists, and many guests
muusika, laulmine, lobisemine / music, singing, chatting
Fuajee, restoran Merineitsi & baar Bogart, 2. korrus / Lobby, Restaurant Merineitsi & Bar Bogart, 2nd floor
Sissepääs tasuta / Free entrance


18:00 / 18:30 / 19:00 / 19:30 / 20:00 / 21:00 / 21:30 / 22:00 / 22:30 / 23:00 / 23:30
performans / performance
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor
25 min, Pilet / Ticket: 6 eur
Loodud ühele vaatajale korraga: Reserveeringud on kohustuslikud! Kogunemine 10 min. enne algust festivali infolauas esimese korruse fuajees.
Conceived for one spectator at a time: Reservations is mandatory! Meeting point: 10 min before the performance at the festival information desk in the 1st floor lobby.

performans / performance
Fuajee, 2. korrus / Lobby, 2nd  floor
4-5 tundi / hours, Sissepääs tasuta / Free entrance

19:30 + 22:00
performans / performance
Koosolekuruum 3. korrus / Meeting room, 3rd floor
35 min, Pilet / Ticket: 6 eur
Kohtade reserveerimine on soovitatav, kuna vaatajate arv on piiratud!
Kogunemine 5 minutit enne etenduse algust 1. korruse fuajees festivali infolaua juures
Reservation is recommanded since the number of spectator is limited!
Meeting point: 10 min before the performance at the festival information desk in the 1st floor lobby.

muusikalis-teatraalne etteaste / music-theatrical performance
Restoran merineitsi / Restaurant Merineitsi
90 min, Pilet /Ticket: 3 eur

tekstifilm / text film
Konverentsiruum Allegro, 2. korrus / Conference room Allegro, 2nd  floor
65 min, Ticket: 3 eur

60 min, Sissepääs tasuta / Free entrance
Kohtade reserveerimine on soovitatav, kuna vaatajate arv on piiratud!
Kogunemine 5 minutit enne etenduse algust 1. korruse fuajees festivali infolaua juures
Reservation is recommanded since the number of spectator is limited!
Meeting point: 5 min before the toure at the festival information desk in the 1st floor lobby.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sissepääs tasuta / Free entrance

19:00 – 00:00
performans / performance
Lift / Elevator

19:00 - 00:00
performatiivne installatsioon / performative situation
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor

19:30 - 23:30
kontsert – performans / concert performance
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor

19:00 – 00:00
performansid / performances
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor
Hotelli avalikud ruumid, eri korrustel / Public areas in the hotel, different floors

19:00 – 00:00
Filmid / Films
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor

19:00 – 00:00
performans, installatsioon, kontsert / performance, installation, concert
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor


18:00 / 18:30 / 19:00 / 19:30 / 20:00 / 21:00 / 21:30 / 22:00 / 22:30 / 23:00 / 23:30
performans / performance
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor
25 min, Pilet / Ticket: 6 eur
Loodud ühele vaatajale korraga: Reserveeringud on kohustuslikud! Kogunemine 10 min. enne algust festivali infolauas esimese korruse fuajees.
Conceived for one spectator at a time: Reservations is mandatory! Meeting point: 10 min before the performance at the festival information desk in the 1st floor lobby.

õhtusöök-performans külalistega / dinner performance with guests
Restoran Merineitsi / Restaurant Merineitsi
4-5 tundi / hours, Sissepääs tasuta / Free entrance

19:30 + 22:00
performans / performance
Koosolekuruum 3. korrus / Meeting room, 3rd floor
35 min, Pilet / Ticket: 6 eur
Kohtade reserveerimine on soovitatav, kuna vaatajate arv on piiratud!
Kogunemine 5 minutit enne etenduse algust 1. korruse fuajees festivali infolaua juures
Reservation is recommanded since the number of spectator is limited!
Meeting point: 10 min before the performance at the festival information desk in the 1st floor lobby.

performans / performance
Banketisaal, 2. korrus / Banquet hall, 2nd floor
90 min, Pilet / Ticket: 3 eur

muusikalis-teatraalne etteaste / music-theatrical performance
Pubi, 1. korrus / Pub, 1st floor
75 min, Pilet / Ticket: 3 eur

60 min, Sissepääs tasuta / Free entrance
Kohtade reserveerimine on soovitatav, kuna vaatajate arv on piiratud!
Kogunemine 5 minutit enne etenduse algust 1. korruse fuajees festivali infolaua juures
Reservation is recommanded since the number of spectator is limited!
Meeting point: 5 min before the toure at the festival information desk in the 1st floor lobby.

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Sissepääs tasuta / Free entrance

19:00 – 00:00
performans / performance
Lift / Elevator

19:00 - 00:00
performatiivne installatsioon / performative situation
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor

19:30 - 23:30
kontsert – performans / concert performance
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor

19:00 – 00:00
performansid / performances
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor
Hotelli avalikud ruumid, eri korrustel / Public areas in the hotel, different floors

19:00 – 00:00
Filmid / Films
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor

19:00 – 00:00
performans, installatsioon, kontsert / performance, installation, concert
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor


18:00 / 18:30 / 19:00 / 19:30 / 20:00 / 21:00 / 21:30 / 22:00 / 22:30 / 23:00 / 23:30
performans / performance
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor
25 min, Pilet / Ticket: 6 eur
Loodud ühele vaatajale korraga: Reserveeringud on kohustuslikud! Kogunemine 10 min. enne algust festivali infolauas esimese korruse fuajees.
Conceived for one spectator at a time: Reservations is mandatory! Meeting point: 10 min before the performance at the festival information desk in the 1st floor lobby.

vestlus-etendus / talk show
Baar Bogart, 2. korrus / Bar Bogart, 2nd floor
4-5 tundi / hours, Sissepääs tasuta / Free entrance

19:30 + 22:00
performans / performance
Koosolekuruum 3. korrus / Meeting room, 3rd floor
35 min, Pilet / Ticket: 6 eur
Kohtade reserveerimine on soovitatav, kuna vaatajate arv on piiratud!
Kogunemine 5 minutit enne etenduse algust 1. korruse fuajees festivali infolaua juures
Reservation is recommanded since the number of spectator is limited!
Meeting point: 10 min before the performance at the festival information desk in the 1st floor lobby.

performans / performance
Banketisaal, 2. korrus / Banquet hall, 2nd floor
90 min, Pilet / Ticket: 3 eur

loeng – etendus / lecture performance
Restoran Marineitsi / Restaurant Merineitsi
60 min, Pilet / Ticket: 3 eur

60 min, Sissepääs tasuta / Free entrance
Kohtade reserveerimine on soovitatav, kuna vaatajate arv on piiratud!
Kogunemine 5 minutit enne etenduse algust 1. korruse fuajees festivali infolaua juures
Reservation is recommanded since the number of spectator is limited!
Meeting point: 5 min before the toure at the festival information desk in the 1st floor lobby.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sissepääs tasuta / Free entrance

19:00 – 00:00
performans / performance
Lift / Elevator

19:00 - 00:00
performatiivne installatsioon / performative situation
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor

19:30 - 23:30
kontsert – performans / concert performance
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor

19:00 – 00:00
performansid / performances
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor
Hotelli avalikud ruumid, eri korrustel / Public areas in the hotel, different floors

19:00 – 00:00
Filmid / Films
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor

19:00 – 00:00
performans, installatsioon, kontsert / performance, installation, concert
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor 

performans-installatsioon / performance installation
Hotellituba, 9. korrus / Hotel room, 9th floor
Festivali ajal / During the festival:

töötuba / workshop
Osalemine kooskõlastada / Accessible on request

Kunstiline kohtumine / artistic encounter
Osalemine kooskõlastada / Accessible on request

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