
Thursday, October 20, 2011

plan b / Sophia New & Daniel Belasco Rogers (GBR/DEU)

Grand Hotel
Loeng-performans / lecture performance
Restoran Merineitsi / Restaurant Merineitsi
60 min
Pilet / Ticket: 3 eur

Idee ja tesotus / Creation and Performance: Sophia New, Daniel Belasco Rogers
Tallinna etendust toetab / This presentation is supported by: British Council in Estonia

photo by plan b

plan b on maskeerimise meistrid. Nad on treenitud riietuma ja käituma. Nad kuulavad, teevad märkmeid ja lindistavad tegevusi, mis toimuvad Lukshotellis. Neil on varustus ja kogemused, nii et, olge ettevaatlikud! Nad ei usu filmidesse ega sellesse, kui teised neile ütlevad, et “inimesed tulevad ja lähevad, aga midagi ei juhtu”. Nad ei usu raamatuid ega brožüüre ega internetti: neil on nende oma silmad, kõrvad ja kujutlusvõime. Nad on näinud esimesi märke armuvatest paaridest, nende ekslevaid pilkude vahetusi.  Nad on näinud kohvreid vahetamas omanikke, seda mis on planeeritud konverentsisaalide jaoks. Nad on näinud lahket žesti hommikusöögi ajal ja öösel võõrale avatud ust. Ja viimasel ööl, festivali viimasel tunnil, peale nädalast salajast kohalolekut, avaldavad nad meile, mis on Lukshotellis juhtunud. Nii et ettevaatust!

Alates 2002 aastast on Londonis sündinud ja Berliinis paiknevad kunstnikud Sophia New ja Daniel Belasco Rogers töötanud koos nime all plan b. Nende tööd on kohaspetsiifilised ja suhte-põhised. Lisaks performansitele loovad nad ka GPS jälgedel põhinevaid animatsioone, joonistusi, kestvus-performanse, kohaliku meedia projekte, audiogiidi tuure ja videojalutuskäike. Nad viivad sageli läbi live-kunsti ja -performansi töötubasid ja käsitlevad GPS süsteemide kasutamist kunstilises tegevuses.

plan b are masters of disguise. They have been trained in how to dress and behave. They are listening, noting and recording the activities taking place at the Grand Hotel. They have equipment and experience, so beware! They don't believe the movies or when others report that “people come and go but nothing happens”. They don't believe the books, the brochures or the Internet: they have their own eyes, ears and imagination. They will have seen the first signs of couples falling in love, the shifty exchanged glances. They will have noted briefcases changing hands, the plans hatched in the conference room. They will have seen an act of kindness at breakfast or a door being opened to a stranger late at night. And on their last night, during the last hour of the festival, after a week of their secret residence, they reveal all that has been going on at the Grand Hotel. So watch out!

Since 2002, London-born and Berlin-based artists Sophia New and Daniel Belasco Rogers have been collaborating under the name plan b. Their work is site-specific and relationship-specific. Along with their performances they also create animations based on GPS traces, works on paper, durational performances, locative media projects, audio guides and video walks. They regularly give workshops in live art and performance and the use of GPS in artistic practice.

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